This Sounds Like Fun!
What Kind of Dance is This? What Do I Need to Know?
Contra Dance and English Country Dance are communal style folk dances that are fun and easy to learn. No partner or experience is necessary. A caller leads the dancers though a series of moves, and the pattern repeats. If you can walk, you can dance. Once a month, we also have a Waltz Party featuring waltz, polka, schottische and tango.
See this page if you want to learn more about all of our different kinds of dances.
Do I need to bring a partner?
No. Most people come without partners. Since it's a communal dance, most people change partners after each dance.
What if I've never done this before and have no idea what I'm doing?
You're in for a treat. You'll find a style of dance where it's more important to have fun than do it “right”, where people are friendly and welcoming, and where others will be glad to help you learn the basic steps.
A 30-minute workshop is held before the dance for newcomers who would like a quick introduction to the dance figures. The simplest dances are at the beginning of the evening so that people learn the figures easily. Coming early in the evening is the easiest way to learn.
What if I have 2 left feet?
No problem. Our dances use a walking step so it doesn't matter which left foot you start on.
Do I have to wear a funny outfit?
Nope, just dress comfortably. Many people wear khakis and tennis shoes. Most women wear flowing or twirly skirts because they're fun to dance in. Since the dances are energetic, you're likely to get warm. Dress accordingly. You'll also want to wear comfortable shoes.
Once in a while we have a special evening - an English Ball, for example, or on New Year's Eve, where we dress up. We make note of that on the web site and in announcements, but even then, if you're more comfortable wearing casual clothing, you're still most welcome!
Are food and drink available during the dance?
We dance in an alcohol and smoke-free environment. We provide plenty of water and we encourage you to bring your own water bottle -- you'll want to stay hydrated. Sometimes people bring snacks to share with the community. We save alcohol consumption for after the dance, when dancers gather at local restaurants for post-dance conviviality.
Can I come and just listen to the music?
Sure. If you prefer, you can watch the dances and enjoy the great live music. You may have to reject a dozen invitations to dance, though.
What if I have other questions?
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