MMISL 2017 hands across

Dance Weekends

Dance Travelers

A lot of us here in St Louis like to travel dance weekends, in order to hear the country's top bands, meet dancers from a dozen states, enjoy the best callers, learn some new moves, and have fun with St. Louis dance friends. Caution: Becoming a Dance Traveler may lead to having playful, fun friends all over the country. You can find St. Louis Dance Travelers at the weekends listed below.

If you're travelling and wondering if there is a local dance where you'll be, take a look at Ted Crane's Dance Database or the ZIP Code Dance Finder.

For dances we St Louis folks often go to, try this calendar:


Pictures from past Dance Weekends

Chance Dance 2014
Dance Travelers at JanJam January 2013
Dance Travelers in Louisville, Nov 2013
Dance Travelers at JanJam January 2013
Berea Waltz Weekend October 2013
Dance Travelers at Dancing Rabbit, September 2013
Dance Trance 2013
Dance Traveler and Friends at Hands Four in Berea, KY
Pigtown March 2013
Memfest 2013
Spring Breakdown 2013
Orange Blossom 2013
Chattaboogie 2013
Winter Warmup 2012
Dance Travelers at Winter Warmup 2012
Dance Travelers at SoleFest, October 2012
Independance Daze 2012
Dance Travelers at Independance Daze 2012
Dance Trance 2012 400
Dance Travelers at Dance Trance 2012
columbia-group-2012 sm
Childgrove Dancers at Spring Breakdown, 2012
Pigtown 2012 400
"Dancers at Pigtown Fling, March 2012
memfest 2012 sm
Dance Travelers at Memfest, March 2012
ChanceDance 2012 c sm
Dance Travelers at Chance Dance, February 2012
JanJam 2012
Dance Travelers at JanJam, January 2012